Lobby bar


Szczawnica Park Resort & Spa, 25a Główna Street, 34-460 Szczawnica - main building, ground floor, next to the reception.

Opening hours:

Everyday 10:00 - 23:00


The Echo Forest Lobby Bar tempts you with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and teas from all over the world. It is an ideal place to relax with a book and long conversations with your loved ones.

Echo Leśne invites you to relax for a while during the day and long evenings with a glass of wine.and a live concert. Concert calendar available in the Hotel Guide.


Garlic bouillon, bacon, sage, mushroom casserole 35 zł
250 g / 85 g / 50 g

Żurek, sausage with lish, potatoes, perdut 32 zł
250 g / 80 g / 50 g

Brioche bun, beef, cheedar, pickles, mayonnaise, truffle, crunchy fries 52 zł
120 g / 160 g / 24 g / 30 g / 50 g / 180 g

Brioche bun, beef, onion, bacon, BBQ sauce, bacon, crunchy fries 52 zł
120 g / 160 g / 10 g / 15 g / 50 g / 30 g / 180 g

Homemade bread, picanha, gorgonzola, chimichurri, mini salad 49 zł
150 g / 100 g / 25 g / 125 g

Fish and chips, tartar sauce, peas 46 zł
360 g / 50 g

Tagliatelle, venison, mushrooms, demi-glace sauce 48 zł
120 g / 100 g / 60 g / 100 g

Crispy duck salad, carrots, sesame sauce 42 zł
300 g

Dessert of the day 25 zł
120 g / 30 g                                                       

Ice cream and sorbets 18 zł
120 g / 30 g